Brand Camp πŸ•οΈ An 8-week brand building program for socially-conscious entrepreneurs


If you wanted to consistently sign more right-fit clients while making the world a better place, where would you start?


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There has never been a better time to build a values-aligned brand (except maybe yesterday)

As we continue to watch horrifying news story after news story, it can feel futile to show up as entrepreneurs.

How are we supposed to sell our services when there are active genocides, an ongoing climate crisis, people are being forcibly deported, abortion rights are teetering on removal, and our trans, black and brown friends lives and safety are at risk?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution I can sell you, but what I can tell you is that knowing your brand values and your plans for embodying them to create change in the world makes it a whole hell of a lot easier.

Because if you’re always embodying and expressing your values, when the next catastrophe unfolds, your audience won’t get confused about why you’re standing up for causesβ€”it’s inextricably linked to who you are and how you show up. (And, it might be the very thing that gets them to work with you over their competitor because more people are voting with their dollar than ever before).

Come learn how to navigate this and so much more at πŸ•οΈ Brand Campβ€”an 8 week program that will walk you how to build your own values-led brand in a supportive community.

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As business owners, we wear a lot of hats and it can feel so draining to carve out space to work on these different areas of your business.

But branding isn’t another thing on your to-do listβ€”it’s a way of being that honestly takes things OFF of your plate in the long run. 

Because when you finally have clarity about your vision, the impact you want to have, the work that lights you up the most, and the dream clients who you love working with, you have the freedom to set yourself free from the hamster wheel.

This isn’t one the entrepreneurial hats we wear, but it is easily one of my favorite hatsβ€”much better than the β€œpay taxes” entrepreneurial hat πŸ˜‚


What if instead of…

  • Assuming everyone else is in on a secret you’re not 🀫

  • Stressing out about how to embody your values without being performative 😬

  • Farting around in Canva for hours updating yet another template only for it to still feel β€œoff” and not like you πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

  • Trying to convince people to buy from you and feeling sleazy or stressed about it (even though you KNOW what you offer is impactful) 😩

You could build your own future-proof brand that feels like you, and the clarity it gives you makes it easier for you to market and sell your offers to dream clients (while also helping you create positive change in the world)?

I’m talking…

  1. Wildly Aligned Mission & Vision Statements that get you excited about your biz again & drive impact on the communities and causes you care about uplifting most.

  2. Clearly Defined Values you can flawlessly weave them into everything you do in a way that feels second-nature and calls in your dream clients. Plus you’ll have a plan on how to embody them moving forward too.

  3. Clarity about your dream clients that doesn’t require a β€œclient avatar” that bores you to tears at best (or is problematic at worst) so you’ll know exactly what they need to hear in order to put cash in your hand (without the gross manipulation tactics, duh).

  4. Brand Visuals that get you off the hamster wheel of trying to create the perfect graphics in Canva and gets you back to what you do bestβ€”serving your clients.

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good news!

That’s exactly what I’ve been helping values-led entrepreneurs do for the past decade and it’s what we’re doing in Brand Camp πŸ•οΈ!

In my time doing this work, I learned that the internet is chock full of oversimplified notions and conflicting advice about what makes for a good brand. The most popular advice is written by old white dudes in books intended for Fortune 500 execs. πŸ₯±

The problem is conventional branding advice doesn’t always hold up to the current online entrepreneurial space (let alone address how solopreneurs are supposed to do the work of a well-staffed mega-corp while also living in a political hellscape, managing a disability, being part of the LGBTIA+ community, being of the global majority in a world that uplift whiteness, or about 100 other factors that might make cut and dry rules from the past fall flat in the present and future.

I promise you, there IS a better way (and I’ve used it to help solopreneurs, small businesses, non-profits, and yes, even those big mega-corps).

(Also hi! I’m Kristy (she/they)β€”it’s nice to meet you!)



An 8-week experience to help you build your brand foundation in a way that actually feels like you, helps you attract values-aligned dream clients, and ultimately gives you everything you need to feel excited about your business again.

Thursdays, 11am - 1:00pm ET from September 11 - October 30

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what to expect at camp πŸ•οΈ

πŸ₯Ύ Done & Dusted Brand Assets

Walk away having written your vision & mission statements (finally!), values, understanding oο»Ώf dream clients, messaging guidance, refreshed brand visuals, and a plan to continue creating a positive change through your business. AND you’ll have it all corralled into a single fileβ€”Your Brand Mapβ€”for easy implementation!

⛺️ Brand Lessons in Real Time

The last thing you want to do is sit down and watch a bunch of modules when you already have a full plate. That’s why you will get all the know-how you need to succeed during our live calls. Coaching call days start with a ~15-30 minute lesson followed by time for coaching, questions and brainstorming with the group.

🌲 Evergreen Access to 8-Module Private Podcast

Yeah yeah yeah, I know I just said no one wants to listen to modules, but sometimes we might need extra time for a concept to really click, ya know? For that reason, all course modules and call recordings are also available as video modules and as a private podcast that you can listen to on-the-go! Just in case πŸ˜‰

✨ Accessibility Guest Educator

You want to use your biz to create positive change and you know accessibility is a key factor to that. You’ll learn from Katie Lewis (she/her), an Accessibility Strategist for Conscious Brands, about how you can make your business more inclusive and accessible to ALL humans.

Looking for the detailed call schedule with all the dates, times & specific topics? Keep scrolling!

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Camper Results


β€œBrand Camp helped me get more dream clients, feel really good about raising my prices, and get much clearer about my values and how they’re showing up in my business. Applying what I learned has made making content and business decisions faster and easier. I loved that this program gives you the tools and the questions to ask as you keep refining, and I know I can keep coming back to this work as I grow. If you’re on the fence, take the leap!”  

- Kat, Healer/Owner of Rainbow Dot Spirituality


In past rounds of camp, here are some things campers’ celebrated:

  • Starting a new Instagram reels series πŸ“²

  • Writing mission and vision statements in a way got them excited to show up in their business again πŸ₯³

  • Attracting more dream clients & getting amazing testimonials from them ⭐️

  • Finding new collaborators and ways to expand their businesses πŸ“ˆ

  • Revamping brand visuals and applying it to their website, social media, and business cards 🎨

  • Learning to rest and prioritize ESPECIALLY when it feels like there isn’t time for it πŸ’–

  • Getting deep clarity about who they actually serve and making changes to their messaging to show them they’re in the right place 🌍

  • Quitting a day job that was draining & no longer aligned πŸ•ŠοΈ (This is an atypical result)

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πŸ•οΈ Camp Curriculum πŸ•οΈ


Reinviting Joy to the Party

Our businesses are only as joyful as we build them to be and unfortunately (due to internalized hustle culture and potential past programming from day jobs) a lot of us create unsustainable business practices that leave us feeling fried. We talk about how to approach branding with heart and compassion so that you can engage in this work for the long-haul while avoiding burnout.


Calling in Dream Client

How do you conceptualize your dream clients without relying on harmful stereotypes and unnessarily gendering your work? What do you do if you’re multipassionate and have multiple dream clients? Walk away knowing who your dream clients are, how to attract them, and have a plan for finding more of them on repeat.


Guest Training

Katie Lewis, Accessibility Strategist for Conscious Brands will be coming in to talk about building an accessible brand from the beginning (and color contrast and web visuals are only just the tip of the iceberg).

Vision & Impact

You didn’t start a business because you love the status quo. Whether you’re disrupting industry standards, using your business to create positive change in the world, or something inbetween, you need to know where you’re headed. You’ll walk away with written vision and mission statements and excitement about your biz again (or so past campers say)!


Standing Out

I KNOW you don’t want to look at your competitors, but in order to have a strong brand, we need to know what helps you stand out. You’ll uncover your x-factor and discover why your offers are a no-brainer for your dream clients.



Truth be told, visuals are the least important aspect of your branding AND they’re still essential. You’ll learn how to DIY brand visuals that support all of the other work done thus far.

Values Embodiment

What are your values? How do you differentiate between personal values vs. your biz values? How do you talk about your values without being performative? This week you’ll define your values and create a plan of how to embody and use them in your business as a means to increase your income and impact.



Once you understand your vision and values, we’ll dive into how you can use your voice to more clearly articulate your message in a way that will resonate with your dream clients. You walk away with an understanding of your brands’ personality, how to create meaningful messaging, and a list of content ideas for your marketing.


Camp Farewell / SHOW & TELL

Campers will have time to share their complete Brand Maps and get final feedback from the group while we celebrate the progress made!


what’s the investment?

I am so excited to announce that I am now offering tiered, pay-what-supports you pricing for Brand Camp! Equity, access and diversity are essential values of my biz, and I’m excited to embody them in this way.

This model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning as well as the guidance and education I’ve received from my coach, Emily Ann Brant within the Decolonized Coach Community.

You are invited to reflect on what you can contribute and what will help you show up & do this work!



$700 Pay-in-Full or
4 monthly payments of $175



$1250 Pay-in-Full or
4 monthly payments of $312.50



$1850 Pay-in-Full or
4 monthly payments of $462.50

My goal is for you to be able to make an investment that feels healthy for your financial situation and encourages you to show up fully and do this work. If you have questions or want to talk more about what tier might make the most sense for you, I am happy to hop on a call with you!

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β€œBrand Camp made me sit down and actually engage with my brand all the way down, and I was able to completely revamp my website and social media with this new understanding of why my branding matters at every stage of my relationship with clients. From the minute they discover my IG page or website, I want them to know exactly who I am and what I stand for. It's actually made decision making so much simpler because if things don't fit into the long-term vision and values of my business, I can easily say no."

- Caitlin, Author & Story Coach

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you’ve got questions
& I’ve got answers!

  • The reason why we have a call before I let you into Brand Camp is because it helps me create a safer space by ensuring each person is a good fit for the program and is alignment with our community values.

    Your decision-making process is sacred, and I’ll honor it. You’ll never be forced to make a decision before your ready.

  • Honestly, Brand Camp is great whether you're just starting your branding journey or you're an established pro who wants to get back-to-basics.

    You will learn everything you need to know about branding in our time together. If you aren't sure if Camp is for you, I'm happy to hop on a call and talk more about it. (I'll never push you to join if it's not a good fitβ€”that is gross af.)

  • No, AND this program might help you figure out what your most expansive niche is (because niche-ing down isn’t always about who you’re saying no to) OR how to create an impactful brand without a traditional niche (yes, it is possible)!

  • Nope! This is perfect for entrepreneurs of all types (product-based, service-based, coaching, online, in-person, you name it!). As a brand strategist and designer I work with a wide variety of entrepreneurs and the work we do is universal to all entrepreneurs!

  • Calls will be happening weekly on Thursdays, 11am - 1:00pm ET from September 11 - October 30. All group calls will be recorded and shared in the Brand Camp course portal.

  • We will have weekly calls that are each 2 hours. In addition to our live calls (which are a combination of trainings and coaching/consulting time), you can expect to spend 1-2 additional hours a week working on the material.

  • Absolutely! Whether you’re a designer yourself or someone who just loves their existing visuals, Brand Camp is a great way to build out the other fundamentals that take a brand from good to great (like your vision, values, voice, dream clients, etc.). Past Campers who came in loving their visuals still were able to make small tweaks to their existing visuals to make them even stronger based on the one module that focuses on visuals! I’ve also created Camp to be a great space for graphic designers who need help with some of these initial activities to kickstart their own design process (because I KNOW how hard DIYing your visuals can be, even if you have the design chops)!

  • We DON'T touch logos in Brand Camp and it is by design (pun intended).

    A logo is like the sprinkles on top of the cupcake. It might catch someone's eye, but if you want people to REALLY have a great experience, there is so much recipe development that has to be done first. If your cake tastes terrible, no sprinkles will save it.

    Brand Camp is where we figure out your cake's secret recipeβ€”your mission, vision, values, knowledge of you dream clients, and voice are the ingredients.

    AND I'll share insight on how to choose colors and fonts that will support you in the meantime (think of this as your frosting) and our Accessibility Guest Expert, Katie, will help you make decisions that support everyone.

    The work we do in Brand Camp is what will stand the test time and support you no matter what life or biz throws your way. It also saves you from having to learn a whole new skillset (logo design) with expensive new software that you won't have much use for after you do it once.

  • The first 10 minutes of the call are for checking in and accountability.

    Then the follow 15-30 minutes is when you’ll get a live training about the topic for that week.

    All remaining time is then spent on answering Campers’ questions and reviewing any assets folks want feedback on!

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