Start prioritizing your joy NOW!
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You see other successful entrepreneurs living seemingly stress-free lives AND making fat stacks. As a busy-body by nature, you’ve questioned whether or not it’s even possible for you.

On paper (and on social media), you’re a successful entrepreneur. The clients are rolling in, you’re making good money, and you’re busy beyond belief…and yet things just don’t feel fun anymore.

Your business feels like it’s taking over your life and not in a fun way. This is not the life you thought were creating when decided to work for yourself. You love the success you’ve had and the business you’ve built, but you wish you should press the pause button sometimes to make more room for yourself amongst the never-ending client and business tasks.

Look, I get it because I have been in this spot (more than once πŸ˜…). What I want you to know is that having a wildly joyful AND profitable business is possibleβ€”these concepts aren’t mutually exclusive (as much as hustle culture would have you believe otherwise). And I want to show you the way!

Start prioritizing your joy NOW!
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The When Success Sucks Masterclass is for entrepreneurs who are ready to stop making excuses for why they feel so burnt out and start prioritizing their joy NOW (because we all know waiting until you’re less busy is what got you here in the first place).

When we’re building our businesses, we’re excited to put in the work to make our dreams come true. As the wins and wealth start to roll in, we often find ourselves too exhausted to celebrate because we’re already on to the next task. We think β€œI’ll be happier when I [fill in the blank]”…but sadly, more success doesn't inherently mean more joy (in fact, I've often found the opposite to be true for both myself and my clients).

So instead of finding joy where we are, we keep on the same ol' hamster wheel of doing more and more hoping that somehow we'll find joy along the way (even though we are literally making LESS time for it in the process).

A joyful life and business means actually ENJOYING what you’re building along the way. It means working fewer hours, getting more support, making more money, and feeling better. Success doesn’t have to suckβ€”a joyful and thriving business aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.

In this masterclass, I’m sharing the 3 things every joyful AND successful entrepreneur does to make more money and have fun while doing it.

Join me on Friday, July 12 at 12pm ET for this event!

Start prioritizing your joy NOW!
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This free masterclass is for you if…

  • You feel bad even acknowledging how unhappy your business makes you at times (especially because you have had success) 🫀

  • Feel like your business is taking over your life 😫

  • Have experienced success yet don't feel like your biz is any more joyful πŸ€”

  • Want to raise your rates & work less πŸ€‘

  • Want to make progress on your goals without leveraging guilt and shame πŸ˜…

  • Know something's gotta change, but you're not sure where to start πŸ₯΄

  • Are interested in dismantling internalized capitalism and hustle culture (seriously, if this doesn't resonate with you, you won't enjoy my style) ⚑️


but why should you listen to me?

Oh hey! I’m Kristy (she/they), a strategic brand designer & business coach. I help online entrepreneurs double their joy while sustainably selling out their signature offers on repeat (while helping them fall back in love with their businesses again).

But that’s the sterilized version of me. Here’s the real me ‡️

Not that long ago, I was working myself ragged to hit my goals. I was conventionally great at achieving my goals…but unfortunately, that also meant that I was great at overworking, burning out, and blatantly ignoring my own needs (self care? space for joy? Never heard of her πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ).

The worst part? My business was successful and yet I was miserable (and I felt even worse complaining about how burnt out I was because everyone around me acted like I should be happy).

I wish I could’ve told myself it wasn’t my fault and that there was nothing wrong with me. I just didn’t have the tools I have now.

Once I implemented the secrets I’m talking about in this masterclass, I started booking more clients, my panic attacks all but stopped, and for the first time in my whole life, I knew how to slow down and put myself first for a change.

I love helping entrepreneurs rekindle their love for their business while increasing their joy without sacrificing their success (and I can’t wait to share this work with you)! 🌈✨

Join us on Friday, July 12 @ 12pm ET!

Start prioritizing your joy NOW!
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