5 Common DIY Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid

Designing content for your business? Keep clear of these 5 common DIY graphic design mistakes many entrepreneurs make.

If you’re an entrepreneur who is still in the early days of your business, it might make sense to DIY as much of your marketing and visuals as possible because you have more time to invest than money at the moment (I know I’ve been there). However in my 10+ years of serving entrepreneurs, there are some common mistakes that I see entrepreneurs and Canva creators making that you can easily avoid.

5 Common DIY Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid

01. Your margins are too tight.

THE PROBLEM: There are too many elements crammed into a small space so the eye tends to get overwhelmed and people are likely to scroll past that content (or in the print/packaging world, they’ll just throw it out) .

THE SOLUTION: Leave ample space (called white space) around the edge of your design as well around any design elements like text or illustration. This gives each elements space to breathe and be taken in by the viewer without them becoming overwhelmed.

02. Your text is too hard to read.

THE PROBLEM: You’ve likely used a very busy display or script font or an all-caps font for large amounts of text. Display and script typefaces often have more personality but are only meant to be used in small amounts, like for headers. When you use these typefaces for larger amounts of text, the design starts to look cluttered and hard to read.

THE SOLUTION: Save scripts, display fonts, all-caps treatments, etc. for larger headers and accent text. Opt for easy-to-read fonts that can easily read on mobile devices by your parents or grandparents (if they would have to squint to read it, it’s probably too busy to use for longer amounts of text).

03. You don’t have a clear hierarchy

THE PROBLEM: There are too many things going on in your design and it’s not clear where you’re supposed to look first. People get overwhelmed by the design and will check out because the order they were supposed to look at things was not clear. Good design and hierarchy should be almost invisible because people are so clearly focused on the content not the context.

THE SOLUTION: The piece of information you want them to read first needs to be the most prominent. Try the squint test: pull up your design and squint to the point where you can’t even read any of the text. What element stands out first? Which is the second most prominent? You can use size, position, color/contrast, typography, spacing, compositions, etc. to shift which elements will be viewed in what order. This one takes practice so give yourself some grace if it doesn’t come naturally right away.

04. Your style is inconsistent

THE PROBLEM: You’re constantly changing which colors, fonts, and illustration styles you’re using. You find yourself getting bored with your designs no matter what, so you’re constantly trying new things to keep things feeling β€œfresh.” In doing so, your dream clients view your business as being unprofessional and unreliable. They don’t see you as a trusted authority or someone worth investing in.

THE SOLUTION: Always use your predetermined brand colors and typefaces and avoid introducing new variations even when you see someone else using something you really love. If you’re using illustrations, make sure you’re sticking to the same style of illustrations (line drawings, flat color illustration, realistic renderings, etc.) and ideally always get them from the same artist. By consistently using these guidelines in your graphics, you’ll establish yourself as a trustworthy authority in your industry. Need a template for your visual guidelines? Get ours for just $9.

05. You’re making design decisions based on trends

THE PROBLEM: If your designs are following trends, it’s going to make it very hard to stand out from the crowd of competitors all doing the same. If you aren’t visually standing out from your competition, your dream clients might not be able to tell why your offering is superior. This can lead them to shopping based on price (and trying to offer services for the lowest price is a race to the bottom).

THE SOLUTION: Create designs that utilize color, typography and design elements that speak to the emotion you want your dream clients to have when they interact with you or any of your brand touch points. It should speak to those feelings and the transformation they will have as a result of working with or buying from you.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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