3 Unexpected Places to Infuse Your Branding

When you're building your business, it can feel like you're getting pulled in 1000 directions at once and, let's be real, your branding might be one of the things that falls to the wayside. Trust me, I've been there.⁣⁣

One of the things that all successful brands have in common is CONSISTENCY. It's truly the secret sauce of branding! Infusing your brand into everything you do is what builds credibility. Here are 3 unexpected places where you can infuse your brand in your business TODAY!⁣⁣

1️⃣Showcase your brand values through your processes! ⚙️⁣⁣

Don't just list your brand values on your website and call it a day. Branding tends to get a bad reputation because a lot of businesses are known for offering lip services and little else. Differentiate yourself by infusing your brand at every stage of your processes.

Reflect on your brand values and ask yourself how can you highlight them throughout every stage of your workflow from lead generation and on-boarding to feedback and off-boarding. For product-based business, this might mean considering how to infuse your brand values into your product placement, strategic collaborations, packaging, and more.

ACTION STEP: Make a list of ways that you can SHOW your customers those values are more than just a passive declaration and roll it out across all your processes.⁣⁣

2️⃣Let your brand persona shine in your email signature! 💌⁣⁣

Sure, email signatures aren't a super sexy brand touch point, but they are a great way to showcase your brand persona! From links to important articles, podcasts and blog posts you've been featured in to using your brand's voice to shed light on your personality, there are so many opportunities to add value here!

Find ways to highlight your brand values and showcase your zone of expertise. Is your brand persona playful and quirky? Add some whimsy to your sign-off that will make your clients smile. Is your brand persona more professional and well-decorated? Include a link to that high-profile article you just wrote to emphasize that you are an industry expert.

ACTION STEP: Add some of your brand personality to your email signature.

3️⃣Create a 404 page that works for you! 💻⁣⁣

I know you've seen some FUN examples of 404 pages. Why not use yours to give your target audience more of what they need? While we all hope our websites will always work perfectly, the reality is they won’t. Mitigate your potential client’s frustration while speaking to your brand values/brand persona by being strategic.

If they have a sense of humor, you can have some fun here. If they're just busy AF, provide links to critical pieces of content to get back on track. The possibilities here are really endless!⁣⁣

ACTION STEP: Consider the needs of your target audience and create a 404 page design that will meet their needs while speaking to your brand persona.

BONUS: If you're looking for more information about your brand visuals and what assets you need to attract more of your ✨DREAM CLIENTS✨, download your FREE copy of my Brand Identity Checklist to make sure you're on the right track! 💖


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