The Counter Kitchen

brand strategy +
brand identity design

The Counter Kitchen is a personal chef and doula focused on helping families create special memories around the table, even on their busiest days.

Kathleen reached out to me look to capture the warmth and approachability of her work that spoke to the desire of her ideal clients to have more time for their families while still making sure everyone was happy and nourished. Many women are conditioned to feel like they need to do it all. Kathleen shows these parents that they can go against this notion and get get the support they desire—especially when it feels counter to the patriarchal norms. Together, using my signature branding process, we developed a stunning brand identity that uniquely speaks to the desires and needs of her dream clients.

Design details: This custom logo contains some subtle messaging that speak directly to her Ideal Client’s desires to have a relaxing time around the dinner table where they can slow down and make memories with their loved ones. This idea seems counter culture when everyone is so focused on a hustle-based lifestyle. The “o” has been tilted counter clockwise to place an emphasis on this new counter culture approach to slowing down when dining at home. Additionally, the O symbolizes a dinner table. I’ve customized the C, U, and I to all have circular elements which point toward the O, similar to how family members gather around a dinner table.

Photography credit: All photography on this page is from Amanda Cleveland Photography!


client testimonial

“Thank you for making me feel like such a VIP. I AM IN LOVE! You are so sweet and generous. I am so blown away!”

- Kathleen, Founder of The Counter Kitchen